Applied project management #1 PM for everyone

If we live for one hundred years on earth, we have approximately 36,500 days here. We work only eight hours per day, which is just one third of the day. That makes our effective working days to 12000 productive days. How much is remaining?...and what are our key goals, and the projects supporting them. We have lot of opportunities, and at the same time very limited time. We may be tempted to pursue every other opportunity that comes our way, and end up not completing any successfully. Projects fail at the beginning, and the results surfaces towards the fag end. I fully subscribe to this. We have to intelligently choose those projects, which are in true alignment to our strengths and skills, so that we can complete them successfully and reap the benefits out of them. We have to choose and execute our projects very carefully, else we will end up spreading our resources very thin on too many projects without achieving much.

The ability to get things done on time, at minimal cost, and with required quality  is, and will be the basic ability required by every human being, teams and organizations of the present and future, to survive and prosper in the highly competitive global economic jungle. The ability to plan, do, check and act (PDCA), and sometimes plan,do,study and act (PDSA) quickly is demanded out of every achiever (professionals, students, entrepreneurs, charity organizations, home makers..). Project management is becoming the mandatory skill for everyone, not just project managers. In other words,  we are all project managers in one way or other.  Executing projects by applying the best practices of professional project management is much easier, and any one can learn the ropes very easily. The earlier the better.

Making professional project management knowledge for everyone, thus helping them to be successful is my new project. I am deleting many other projects from my list of projects, to do justice to this.  It is not about certifications any more. It is about application of the knowledge. Certification addicts please excuse.


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