The feedback on the Agile talk at Infopark Kochi

I am really happy to share the feedback received on the 4 hour talk on 'Agile project management using Scrum' at Infopark, Kochi. A bog thank you to all who participated in the event and found time to provide us with feedback. This will definitely help us to improve further. I am looking forward to more opportunities like this to talk about agile using scrum.

Do you have clarity on the topics discussed?

I am absolutely clear433.3%
I am clear, but there are some grey areas650%
I do not have clarity18.3%
I am confused00%

Was the presenter knowledgeable about the subject presented?

Excellent hands on knowledge1083.3%
Good hands on knowledge216.7%
Some knowledge00%
Lacks knowledge00%

Was the topic of the presentation relevant to your work?

Very much relevant866.7%
Partially relevant325%
May be relevant18.3%
I do not see any relevance00%

Did you get value out of this session?

Excellent value. Can implement the concepts325%
Good value975%
Some value00%
No value00%

Will you be interested to attend a detailed session on the same topic, leading to certification?


Will you recommend this program to your friends and contacts?



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