The #selforganizing lessons from #cycling

Me, and Sanesh have been cycling together for a while now, and I have some very valuable lessons of self organizing from our cycling jaunts.
We are not bound by any rigid rules, that is the rule#1, else it can become a kind of a duty, and become another imposed / allocated task, taking away all the fun of work volunteering.
We have some common interests other than, and very often larger than cycling itself. Reasons which are well beyond cycling itself. These are related to physical, social and spiritual well being. These reasons, which are larger than cycling, drives us forward. Cycling by itself, is sometimes very monotonous and meaningless. It is nothing more than going from point A, to point B. The social and the spiritual aspects act as a propellant for continuity. Every day, we take a small break for meditation and prayer in the open, to be precise at the culvert. We love this place. Believe me, there is no other better place than the open space for meditation and prayer. Sometimes we feel that we cycle for these divine moments only.
We got lot of friends from cycling and photography trips, and most of them do not cycle or photograph. They are the common people we meet regularly on the way. When one of us do not turn up, they inquire about the person absent. That motivates us, and gives us tremendous energy and commitment to continue. It is not peer pressure. It is a kind of social pressure of meeting the expectations of others about you.
Many times both of us agree to go on cycling the next day morning, and sometimes, one of us do not turn up. Very often the culprit is me. We tend to give explanation for the absenteeism, and the other person just listen without any questions, creating an impression of 'I am not interested. Due to some reason you did not turn up. That is perfectly fine.' . This keeps the guilt element out of our transactions. Open communication without any inhibitions or complexes is very important to us, to enjoy the fun of cycling.
When one of us gets demotivated, lazy, carried away by other priorities and do not turn up for a while, that is when the other shows real leadership, by continuing the cycling, and explaining about the trips and about the common friends who inquired about the person who is absent. This happens in tandem. Sometimes I play the leadership role, and sometimes it is my friend, who is a real leader.
Some days, my friend sets the speed of cycling, and on some other day, it is me. This just happens, and nothing is planned.
On a narrow road, when the bus comes from the opposite side, due to space constraint, we have to fall into a line very quickly to give side to the bus. For this, one of us have to slow down or increase speed very quickly. And that happens perfectly. Both could have increased the speed, and both could have decreased the speed as well, and that never happens. One of us decides to increase the speed or decrease the speed, and the other person does the entirely opposite. There were situations when I increased my speed, and due to lack of balance applied the brakes suddenly (change of mind), forcing the person following me to apply brakes all of a sudden, which is risky.
We are learning continuously. We want to add more value to our cycling time, today we were busy brainstorming while cycling about all those stuff, we can do along with cycling, which will have a positive impact on society or at least some other people. It is nice to do brainstorming while cycling. definitely it is much more rewarding than brainstorming within the four walls.
Will continue as and when I have some more lessons to share from cycling.
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